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Prevention first, life first - ROC's fire safety publicity month activities in 2023 come to a successful conclusion

This November is the32nd "National Fire Safety Month" nationwide. In order to effectively improve the fire safety awareness and self-rescue and mutual assistance capabilities of all employees, and ensure the orderly progress of prevention and emergency response work when accidents occur, ROC has comprehensively carried out fire safety publicity and education activities with the theme of "prevention first, life first". Fire safety knowledge is widely popularized, and a strong fire safety atmosphere is created through emergency drills.

                                              Everyone is a guardian of fire safety

By hanging fire safety publicity slogans, posting posters, and displaying dynamic screens on monitors, a strong atmosphere of "universal fire safety" is created, prompting employees to pay attention to, support, and participate in fire safety. This enhances employees' awareness of taking more responsibility and being more careful in their work, and increases their knowledge of fire safety, providing ten times more security.

                                             Master the tool of safety and illuminate the path of life

In early November, HSE Department held a kick-off meeting for "Fire Safety Propaganda Month" at the morning meeting, and organized a fire safety training and drill in conjunction with Qidong City Offshore Engineering Park Fire Brigade. Employees from various departments actively  participated, and through on-site practice, they gained a better understanding of how to use fire extinguishers, effectively improving the company's safety management quality and fire safety "four capabilities" (capability to inspect and eliminate fire hazards, capability to extinguish initial fires, capability to organize evacuation and escape, and capability to carry  out fire safety publicity and education).

                                          The alarm bell is always ringing, and safety comes first

The enterprise is a place where employees create a better life. Under the leadership of the Safety and Environmental Protection Department, a comprehensive inspection and rectification of fire hazards were organized for fire-prone areas such as paint warehouses and natural gas stations. The safety of the people is truly the top priority, and strict implementation of fire safety responsibilities is carried out in accordance with the law and regulations, strengthening organization and leadership.

                                           Pay attention to fire safety, and spend a safe winter together

In addition to promoting fire safety within the company, it has also extended to the employee dormitories. At the end of the month, the General Office led the organization of a special inspection of high-power appliances and office unauthorized electrical appliances in the dormitories. The knowledge of dormitory fire hazards was popularized, and employees were guided  to pay attention to turning off the power supply, frequent ventilation, and other daily details the dormitories, thus promoting the concept that fire safety is of the utmost importance and requires attention at all times and in all places.

ROC based on practicality, has launched a series of fire safety publicity activities, widely mobilizing employees to participate. Taking this month's fire safety publicity activities as an opportunity, we call on everyone to start with me, start now, and start with what is around them, to deeply implant the concept of fire safety and the awareness of fire safety in people's minds, continuously consolidate the foundation of fire safety work, ensure the continuous stability of fire safety situations, and continuously promote the construction of safe enterprises.