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The Tenth “Safe Production Month” Brought Off In ROC

This June was the national 19th safe production month, and also the tenth safe production month in ROC. Centering on the theme of "eliminating potential accidents and strengthening the defense line of safety", ROC carried out various activities in many ways.


ROC organized all kinds of activities to propagandize safe production, including putting up slogans, playing videos and sending messages on safety. By means of calling up employees to watch safety education film, organize safety awareness training, and “Spot The Differences” of safety hazard, cultural atmosphere of production safety and safety awareness was further promoted.


Besides safety publicity and education, considering safety skills training and emergency training, ROC actively held forklift skill competition, fire emergency training and fire fighting skill competition. The activities enriched employees’ theoretical knowledge of safety, comprehensively improved safety skills and emergency handling ability of employees and subcontractors, and laid the solid foundation for ROC’s safe production.


Meanwhile, ROC carried out many safety management activities like “snapshot” of potential safety hazard, “7S” competition in production area, and factory cleaning by everyone, which further improved company environment and enhanced employees’ sense of ownership.